Now what do I say about the person that I am always with. This guy thinks he's good at everything but that's just a dream too big to achieve. He's friendly but has a lot of enemies. He's charming, or that's what he thinks. In short he is a lot of things he isn't and he isn't a lot of things he is.
Yes ladies and gentlemen, this is the man himself, gaming when he's supposed to be studying. But then Counter Strike is much more attractive than Optical Fibre Communication. He is in his soon to be vacated hostel room posing for this picture ....... conceited as ever!
He is currently completing his graduation in engineering, in the field of Electronics and Communication. He will graduate soon. He studies in this little known college known as Institute of Technology nd Marine Engineering. He has big dreams of making it big as a scientist and someday and winning the Nobel Prize. But somewhere in the corner of his heart he knows that this is never to be, but whats life without a dream? It's like a bottle without the wine.
The picture above is that of the entrance to his beloved college. He'll say he loves his college and is sad at having to leave it but deep inside him somewhere is a feeling of relief at finally being out of a place full of strife and animosity, a place where very few people really understood him. The world outside is tough but he has the courage to face it (really?!?).